Selling or renting has never been easier…like 1,2,3
Gold Package
12-month MLS listing with unlimited photos
Custom property description
Nationwide exposure on, Zillow,, Redfin, and over 100 more websites
Social media exposure
Your contact info in MLS, so realtors may contact you directly
Listing inquiries forwarded to you
No listing commission
Unlimited listing changes
Virtual tour
Open house announcements
Appointment center and feedback
All legal paperwork provided (contracts & disclosures)
Trusted contact recommendations ( title companies, lenders, inspectors, etc)
Platinum Package
Includes everything in the Gold Package, plus:
Property flyer
Offer negotiation assistance with buyer’s agent
Transaction coordination (managing the entire process from contract to closing)
This service manages all aspects of the sale from the moment you accept an offer until closing. It includes scheduling inspections and appraisals, ensuring all paperwork is completed accurately and on time, and coordinating with all parties involved to ensure a smooth transaction.
Flat Fee Florida is a service provided by RE Florida Homes, a licensed real estate brokerage in Florida. Our mission is to empower sellers and landlords with direct control over their property transactions while saving thousands of dollars. We offer Flat Fee MLS Listing Services to ensure maximum exposure and numerous benefits. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and our exceptional service is reflected in the positive feedback and numerous referrals from our clients.

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